Thursday, May 29, 2008

Conversations, Boxes, and Stories

Conversations are going to happen whether or not you choose to particpate in them. People (customers, analysts, investors, employees, etc.) are going to put you "in a box", whether you define that box or not. Stories will be told and they will spread, regardless of whether they are true. You have the opportunity to participate in conversations, define the box, and live the stories. Many companies choose the safer route.

Lets say you make a widget that provides the most utility for and offers the greatest benefit to elite athletes...those that take training very seriously. I want to participate in conversations with those athletes. I want to hear about their training experience and completely understand how and why they use my widget. I want them to bring more athletes into the conversations. I want to reach as many people in my niche as possible.

Likewise, I want to frame my widget as something for elite athletes. I want the qualifier. Sure it will put me in a smaller box than if I positioned my widget for all atheletes, but I want to serve my niche. Will I sell to any athelete? Of course, but I want to define my box before someone else starts to define it for me.

My story will be bigger than the widget. It will be one about the experience(s) of the elite athlete...their triumphs and successes. It will be about the care and expertise we offer each elite athlete as they strive to accomplish their goals. It will be much more than the widget.

Your channels will be part of the conversations, they will define your box, and they will be your storytellers. Expecting them to be only responsible for moving the widget from Point A to Point B is missing a bigger oppoortunity.

Indeed, they are part of your story, your box, and the conversation.

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