Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Channel Lifecycle Curve

Not every channel will be in the same lifecycle stage. Depending on how you choose to look at your channel community, you should be able to plot each of your channels on a bell curve. Most recently, working with Relationship Marketing in Des Moines, IA, we built a tool that enables us to look at our channel community across approximately 15 variables. We have chosen to plot them on the bell curve as “Up & Comers”, “Steady-Eddies”, and “Faders”.

The types of programs and investments we make are directly tied to where the specific channel sits in the lifecycle. For instance, an “Up & Comer” would require a very different investment strategy than a “Fader”, with whom we may choose to divest our relationship.

Analytics are very important in this process. It is not enough to subjectively try to place each channel on the curve. You will find too much bias and an inaccurate assessment. Also, using the quantitative analysis will enable you to track the movement of each partner over time. This is another way to track and gauge your success.

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